Lincoln Public Schools - Northwest & Standing Bear Athletic Complex

Lincoln Public Schools - Northwest & Standing Bear Athletic Complex

The Lincoln Public Schools Shared Athletic Complexes are a dual-site project. Northwest High School site school on the south end of Lincoln's Air Park neighborhood includes athletic facilities to be shared by all the district's schools, including a football stadium, track, and baseball field. The Lincoln Northwest stadium will feature seating for 2,800 people, concessions buildings, and a press box. Cheever's work included four soccer and two softball fields and a six-court tennis focus at the Standing Bear High School at 70th Street and Saltillo Road. The main soccer field features seating for about 800 to 1,000 people. Combined, the project included the following: 2- Football Fields w/ Synthetic Turf 2- Tracks, one competition 2- Baseball Fields 5 – Softball Fields, one tournament 9 – Tennis Courts, six tournaments 8 – Soccer Fields, two tournaments Concessions, Stadium, Bleachers, Press Box, Restrooms, and Lighting

Clark Enersen
Completion Date
June 2024

Lets Build Together